Dead Pixels
/dɛd ˈpɪksəlz/ dead pixels
Alternative controller game (2016)
Numéricité #9 (France)
Week-end Arts Numériques (France)
Médiathèque Bernard Ywanne (France)
Médiathèque de Thiais (France)
Maison des cultures et des arts (France)
ISEA23 (France)
Forum des Images (France)
Lavoir Numérique (France)
Rode Hond (Belgium)
Micro-Folie (France)
1, 2, 3 Play! (France)
Gaîté Lyrique (France)
Museomix (France)
Cookie Demoparty (France)
Bord'osmose (France)
La Médiathèque (England)
Folie Numérique (France)
Puzzle (France)
Shadok (France)
Future Play (Scotland)
Now Play This (England)
Jouer Ensemble (France)
Dead Pixels presents a landscape that requires the participation of the players to make it live. It’s a competitive game - and the acts of creation that players undertake as they play, claiming territory for their team, have repercussions. The battle for land doesn’t involve just claiming or reclaiming land for oneself; instead, contested ground turns into ‘dead pixels’, removed from play as the timer ticks down and the pressure increases.
This work is related to deadPixels² and L'Atlas des matrices.
Designed, built & developed by Tatiana Vilela dos Santos & Olivier Drouet